Private Organization Scholarships

Many scholarships and grants are offered by private sources, such as fraternal and religious organizations, labor unions, professional associations, social groups, and ethnic associations.

Because they are private scholarships and therefore not administered by Drexel, it is up to you to research and apply for them on your own. The best place to start your research is with any organization you or a family member has an affiliation with (such as your or your parents' employer, church or religious organization). If you're a current high school student, you should contact your guidance office for information on local scholarships.

Much of your research will involve using the Internet. It is important to be careful when reviewing information online. Drexel recommends that you do not use any fee-based service to look for private scholarships. Below are several scholarship search engines that are free:

The above list of scholarship resources is not exhaustive; there may be additional scholarships available outside of this list for which students or prospective students may be eligible. Students and prospective students are invited to contact Drexel Central for suggested search terms and ways to search the Internet /other resources to locate additional opportunities.

Please note: If a student or prospective student locates a scholarship that is not listed on the University’s website on their own through the suggested search terms provided by Drexel Central, such an act does not suggest that the University is providing approval/endorsement of such scholarships.

Report Your Private Funding

Any outside funding you receive must be taken into account when your eligibility is determined for need-based financial aid. If you have been offered funding from a source outside the university, you must submit copies of the notification letter to Drexel Central. Outside funding you are receiving may result in a change to your eligibility for the financial aid offered by Drexel. Your total financial aid package cannot exceed the university's cost of attendance. Awards that make-up a financial aid package include grants, scholarships, loans, work-study, and scholarships from private organizations.

Undergraduate Research and Enrichment Programs

Undergraduate Research and Enrichment Programs assists current Drexel students with identifying and applying to non-Drexel sources of aid, such as grants, scholarships and fellowships. For more information, visit the Undergraduate Research and Enrichment Programs website.

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Monday–Friday: 9 a.m.–5 p.m.